Recognitions and Awards

The perseverance and daily commitment in the milling of the olives, the careful selection of the varietals, the minimum time between harvesting and processing have allowed us to achieve excellent results. Finally, the award of the excellence at the "l'Oro delle Marche" Competition which let us to be able to achieve  the 5 OLEA drops for 2022 and win the 3^ prix for our variety of blends.

Certificates and Awards

Award l’Oro delle Marche 2019 -20^
Regional Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition Mention of Merit 4 drops OLEA 

National Award 2020 l'Oro d'Italia – 11th Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition Mention of merit 4 drops OLEA

International Award 2020 l'Oro del Mediterraneo – 9th Competition for Mediterranean Extra Virgin Olive Oils Mention of merit 4 drops OLEA

IPremio l'Oro delle Marche 2020 -21^ Regional Competition of extra virgin olive oils Mention of Merit 4 drops OLEA

Premio l'Oro delle Marche 2021 -22^ Regional Competition of extra virgin olive oils Mention of Merit 4 drops OLEA

National Award 2022 l'Oro d'Italia – 13th Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition Mention of merit 4 drops OLEA

L'Oro delle Marche Award 2022 – 23^ Regional Competition of Extra Virgin Olive Oils Lode di Eccellenza 5 drops OLEA -3 Blend Category Prize

  L'Oro delle Marche Award 2023 – 24^ Regional Competition of Extra Virgin Olive Oils Mention of Merit 3 drops OLEA -2 Blend Category Prize

Sensory Evaluation Cards

The evaluation forms describe the sensory character of the oil evaluated and classify the oil in the type Light Fruity – Medium – Intense.

  • Evaluation form L'Oro delle Marche Award 2022 – 23^ Regional Competition of Extra Virgin Olive Oils Lode di Eccellenza 5 drops OLEA -3 Blend Category Prize.
    Scarica la scheda in PDF )

  • Evaluation form National Award 2022 l'Oro d'Italia – 13th Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition Mention of merit 4 drops OLEA.
    Scarica la scheda in PDF )

  • Evaluation form National Award 2020 l'Oro d'Italia – 11th Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition Mention of merit 4 drops OLEA.
    Scarica la scheda in PDF )

Panel Test

What is it

The panel test is an objective procedure and has been introduced as a parameter for evaluating the quality of the oil in the EEC Regulation 2568/91, which also establishes the chemical-physical parameters necessary to guarantee the genuineness and quality of the oil intended for marketing. The panel test works through tasting by a "panel", i.e. a group of eight to twelve experts, who carry out the organoleptic analysis independently and then assign a score to the merits. 

Do you want learn more? Go to this link: clicca qui;

The Professional Tasting Committee evaluates the organoleptic characteristics of olive oils in accordance with the following procedures and current EU and national standards:
Reg. (CEE) 2568/1991 dell'11/07/1991 All. XII (GU CEE 1248 del 05/09/1991) e s.m. e i. e modified by Implementing Regulation (UE): Reg. (UE) 1604/2019 dated 27/9/2019 All. IV (**), (GU UE L250 dated 30/09//2019); Legislation COI/T.20/Doc. n.15/Rev. 10 (*); Decreto Mipaaf 18 June 2014.